Sunday 13 January 2008

aite this is the new blog..old name but still the new blog...renamed the old one
anyways, 3 more wks till i "exciting"...yea rite..haven't packed
my proj is literally dying...more like dead, not much, just gotta kill the report and the presentation to pass...
so many things in my mind...can't many thoughts, unanswered questions...sheesh
to protect the blogs of my fellow teammates frm those anonymous readers who leave their distasteful comments on their blogs, i shan't place their links in this blog...though u might know some...ohwells
this blog will record the events in my life for the nxt 6 yrs when i'm in syd and visiting hm or maybe on a holiday..
aite it will start new and fresh from this moment on...adios to my past, hello future!

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