Thursday, 28 February 2008
mardi gras on saturday...can't wait, gays parading and it'll be fun...if the weather is gd, we'll be heading to Bondi in the morning...but i'm just too lazy to go to the has been getting cooler lately...
finally wore my fedora to sch today...there's a gloomy atmosphere today tt sets the mood, tt's why i wore it...but i kept worrying tt its just gonna fly off my head while walking the streets lol..took it off in the common room, my hair was styled the usual way, kat thought my hair just stood up becoz of the hat...haha sry babe, tt'll nvr happen if i dun put gel on it...and if i hadn't used gel, i think my head won't fit in the hat...ITS IMPORTANT TO TAME MY HAIR...their too stubborn...hahah
PS: if the temperature is just as low tmr...i'll wear another, hats here are good accessories...u dun look like a poser wearing a fedora on the streets in the day....:D
Zion, go open a facebook acc to see my pics...yea?
Friday, 22 February 2008
USFP Picnic
went hm and took a nap b4 hx,rach,ted,chris and james arrive at Market City...then it was off to hungry at 5plus...ate a special set dinner, $15/person....not tt bad, wasn't full till the soup(was served last...stupid) came...haha
walked to darling harbour to look for dessert and a little sight-seeing...found the Toffee apple cher told me abt...sms her just to ask her haha...i think she thinks i'm wasting my money just to ask where it is...haha, i think so too but since i'm alr in the area, wth rite..
the toffees were sinful i tell u...really woahh...u guys shld really try it...finally found a gd cheap place for fish and chips...the fish is so fresh, no fishy smell wat so ever...
the mall in there is great..lots of cheap nice clothes...bought a fedora hat, it looks good on me...i'm soo gonna wear it to sch lol...damn...i love sydney...more than tt i heart Darling Harbour...its such a happening nightspot...those who weren't there missed out on the fun...
Thursday, 21 February 2008
so after picnic i'm gg to the bank..they shld hv my bank key card...then i'm gonna check the amt and make sure the money they said was reimbursed is in the account...
thnks to all who cheered me up...made me put this horrible experience behind and just enjoy life, school, friends and sydney...everything's been positive so far...start of last wk was horrible but ended with a bang...this continued all through the wk and an even greater news today...
i love God...creator of all living family, for supporting friends, for listening to my problems and helping me deal with it...and to the welfare officer, who helped me overcome this ordeal...
i've learnt my shan't happen again...i'll share my experience in a humble way...not boastful...i'm loving sydney and my outgg thai korean hunks and singapore beau and belles...and my malaysian alliance...aahhhh love u SYDney..
feel like gg to hillsong...i'll ask nicole tmr..
Wednesday, 20 February 2008
Sunday, 17 February 2008
met lots of new guys...those staying in taylors...u tend to know and make more frens when u're in the hostel i'll say...had a major headache, nded sth to drink...went to Charlie Chan's bottle hse to get some booze for the gang...old enough yea...walked down to darling harbour and met 3 locals who joined in our photo...and asked me to take pics of them, i got a hug...finally after soo long...was like missing all the hugs i got back finally, loosen up more in the dark at night with my vodka in mum dun allow me to go out with the thais in the hse but dun mind me chilling with my frens...haha, i agree, i think i'll totally be lost if i go out with them...
yesterday was great...walked frm chinatown after Oporto to darling harbour...crossed the bridge and back to our final destination ie circular quay...was with Ted, Hongxu, Rachel and Young...
starting to love it here...
Thursday, 14 February 2008
HAppy Valentine's Day
this is John, 23 from Korea..
Hongxu, 24 from Singapore...
Young, 17 from Malaysia...
Jaewook, 17 from Korea...(my math guru)
Wow, ok there's more but this are the bunch of ppl i hang ard with...there're others, i dun really know them tt well or i dun hv a pic of them to show ya...pretty cool bunch...joke of the day today is Ah Leong Rachel with her bimbo ways like spelling methylated as "methalyted", then wondering why it took so long to get results and why she couldn't find the one we were suppose to refer to for our practical manual, and closing the program window tt we were still using in chemistry class when we were doing research on the risks of chemicals...and gg, "ahh skype" like as if she's seen it for the first
as u might hv realised, yea i hv more guy than girl frens...there's still sunny, nicole, cherie and geraldine...and those girls frm the sept batch whom i rarely talk to since we barely see each other in sch...
Adios amigoes in Singapore...
Tuesday, 12 February 2008
i let my guard down...gave out details via phone which i shouldn't hv....made an ASS of myself by assuming...hence lost all my money in the acc...fucked up shittie country...when it comes to security, seems tt only their immigration works...who sends atm by normal mail?? who allows someone to withdraw a lump sum with just a card and stupid password...they shld sooo ask them for ID and even if they lose tt get a letter frm the embassy or sth stating tt they lost it...
gotta move on in life...focus, get tt degree and return home for good...i love SINGAPORE!!!
Saturday, 9 February 2008
first sat
went out for lunch and movie with mohdar today....enjoy his company coz he's the closest thing i hv to malay...i swear there is no malay in sch (maybe just 1 malaysian guy but he may be indian)...he's a funny guy and my appointed guardian...ate fish and chips and then kfc...gosh, damn full after tt...watched "The Kite Runner" show man, i really recommenf it, awesome...and thnks to my student card, i get a discount and only pay $12.50 for a movie instead of $16...
split up at ard 6, he nds to surf the net and look for an apt while i went to paddy's to do some grocery shopping... spent like $49 in there..nd to calculate how long it'll last though...hope it lasts for 2 wks at mum asked if $1200/mth is enough, i think may be more than enough got me thinking tt she has to at least set aside S$1600 for she has to pay the rent, phone, cable and electricity bills, car loan, banks, petrol and groceries...does she hv enough?? i really's got me feeling worried...and i miss Baby, my dear cat....miss his smell, purring, scratching and biting, the way he pounces on ur feet to bite it, licking ur hand or feet, his soft but smelly fur...i miss him family, my grandma...God i nd to do well and do my family proud...get thru usfp and enter vet sch, graduate with an honors degree...
hope my father would chip in some of the responsibilities he has as a father...lessen the burden of the family with me studying overseas...
hv got the basic neccessities...might nd to buy a logbook for practicals...wanna go for the skiing trip in august...$550 if i'm not mistaken...i bet it'll be fun, since i've nvr skied in my life and would just make a fool of myself...
hope papi helps and i swear he'll hv the more respect frm my family and be proud and feel fulfilling as a father...
P.S.: My school is in the red zone district...daylight robbery happens, would safety = walk fast, play smart + pepper spray??
Wednesday, 6 February 2008
USFP orientation...
so today we had a country grouping, so we met all the singaporeans in the sept07 and feb08 exciting...though felt kinda shy, though i'm like the oldest girl there...kinda sad...the rest were 17 and 18 this yr...the guys are 23...went out to Pavarotti to eat was real good...thin crust pizza are the best...and we're most likely to go out for dinner on sunday to celebrate chinese new year :D...had maths and chem test today...its just to see how well we know the subj...after the math paper, finally know how rusty my math is...but the chempaper was surprisingly easy...its like primary sch sci...haha, but of course it wouldn't be tt easy for the actual chemistry subjects...lots of english in there so might be tough for some of the non-english speaking students...u shld hv seen how many ppl sat for the chem tests...there were loads, not sure if they knew they only hv to do it if they're taking chem or they're just following the schedule...the staff there were shocked by the numbers haha..
on the way hm, i was approached by this oz gal in blue...knew she wanted to start a conversation so i took off my earpiece and the first thing she asked was,"Are you happy today?" i'm like, "yeaah". guess she wanted me to join/support some youth campaign trying to promote a healthy fun and friendly lifestyle or sth...haha, kinda new to this..and on sunday, its the first time i saw ppl selling raffle tickets...
bought 2nd hand textbook frm this girl lita, she's frm anderson sec, indon though, currently doin nutrition in usyd...saw her notice on the college board...sms her and tada...i saved more than a $100 on books...talked to her for like 40-50min at world square...haha finally a gd long conversation in a while..flipped through the books...looks kinda secondary school-ish...but i may nvr know....haven't read anything yet...haha but the pictures are pretty...
finally found the cheapest dinner ever...mie goreng sedaap...omg, its the cheapest thing i've bought so far, $0.40 each, i bought 2 packs...askedthe lady how much it will cost if i buy a whole carton (40 packs) and she said $10....omg she's like my saviour tt could last me for 2-3wks...even a mth or so coz i can't possibly eat the same thing bfast has been toasted raisin bread with margarine together with milk...almost getting sick of tt, but need to finish it b4 it expires...then will i hv my choice of cereals, or nestum...oh yeah...finnaly found those microwavable popcorns....haven't tried it yet but yeah, i think it will be good...currently waiting for my clothes to dry in the dryer before i can iron it...might do tt tmr though...waiting for little britain to air..hehe
gdnite mates...
PS: current time is 8.32pm....3 hrs ahead, after summer, it would only be 2 hrs ahead, GST+10...this is due to daylight saving in summer...
Sunday, 3 February 2008
First day in Sydney
so declared my goodies at the customs, even my running shoes coz i dun even know whether tt's prohibited or not since u can't bring in any soil or materials carrying soil such as sporting equipment and shoes, so i just declared...
so my mum's fren mohdar and his friend wan picked me up frm the airport...went to the hse and met my landlord/lady and room/housemates before gg shopping for my neccesities such as quilt, quilt cover with pillow case, soap, shampoo, conditioner, adapter, simcard, and 2 weeks worth of bfast which might only last for back to the hse and found out tt i nd to pay 2wks rent first which is like AUS$270 (frm now on $$$ is all in AUS $)'s not including the security card which os oh so impt so tt i won't disturb anyone....everyone's minding their own business, the ppl tt's of the same nationality as the landlords tend to communicate with one another better like duh...for me, i feel freaking left out coz i'm like the only dark skin sheila in there...anyways its only the beginning...hopefully things will improve...i'm left with $88.30, tt's so not gonna last me for 1mth...its damn ex here...average cost if u wanna eat out, $10...its crazy, i nd to learn to cook but i dun feel comfortable cooking with so many ppl in the hse...certain things aren't shared, tt reminds me, i nd toilet paper and detergent and cooking oil, but i dun intend to stay here for long...gonna start looking for another place to stay after i've found frens who're willing to move out frm their current place and share together...cheer up ria...things will get better...
PS: Free meals every saturday cooked by mohdar....but he's very particular when it comes to food, always has to be halal...sheesh, this is not freedom...this is worse than freedom in singapore...loads of things to learn in this new adventure like not to curse at an operator over the phone although it was not intended for her but its just a form of expression...