this is John, 23 from Korea..
Hongxu, 24 from Singapore...
Young, 17 from Malaysia...
Jaewook, 17 from Korea...(my math guru)
Wow, ok there's more but this are the bunch of ppl i hang ard with...there're others, i dun really know them tt well or i dun hv a pic of them to show ya...pretty cool bunch...joke of the day today is Ah Leong Rachel with her bimbo ways like spelling methylated as "methalyted", then wondering why it took so long to get results and why she couldn't find the one we were suppose to refer to for our practical manual, and closing the program window tt we were still using in chemistry class when we were doing research on the risks of chemicals...and gg, "ahh skype" like as if she's seen it for the first
as u might hv realised, yea i hv more guy than girl frens...there's still sunny, nicole, cherie and geraldine...and those girls frm the sept batch whom i rarely talk to since we barely see each other in sch...
Adios amigoes in Singapore...
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