are some of the pics...
here's me with emilie..

Katie and Kamaneeya..

"bandmates" tt NEVER happen haha...jules, gi and cherie with the UGLY TANLINE...

my dear physics classmate Reed..

and my former eng teach..Suzanne Conomy

DJ Ro.HIT it...
The Koreans...Sam, Mi Sun, Anne & Juri..

The Iranian superstar Roshan..

My Intelligent friend who won herself 2 high achiever awards...Fiona..

Timmy..the guy we tease in english class..he's nice but too weird for me...

And of course it was time to PARR-TAAY PPLE...whooh...
frequent clubbers Fini and Clare..
Underage Jess...

The High-yet-always-SOBER Tubu...
"Miss Singapore" Hong Xu...(i did not give him the was Jess)..
Byun, SoRa,Jules, Sky (she's still in Taylors..HK-Thai who's in Singapore Nat Team for Field Events)...
Mich, Diana & Fren..
Chris(Jaewook) & Emilie...
Fredo with Zoe
My first drink for the night TooHeys sux...but it was Roshan who ordered and paid for it coz i can't find my Corona Extra...

Mina...*yes her name is Mina...i'm not calling her names okay...*
Of course i got a little high..and started rambling crap...hahaha...gosh i look like a baboon here lol..
To sum it all was PIMPING...
nites to's 3am now...but i've got nth to do tmr haha...
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